European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA)
According to the organizers of the ECPA, in order to take part in the competition the project must have an objective to reduce crime and the fear of crime within the specified theme. The projects hoping to participate can originate from a wide variety of origins, such as for instance local authorities, the police, educational institutions, community groups, sports clubs, youth organizations, business community, probation service, neighbourhood watch schemes, parish councils, public transport operators, voluntary organizations or groups.
Finland has entered the competition every year since the year 2004. The following is a list of the projects with which Finland has entered the ECPA.
Finnish ECPA projects
2023 Specialized Service for Victims of Human Trafficking
Victim Support Finland (RIKU)has a special support service for victims of human trafficking, which aims to reach and assist as many victims of human trafficking and related crimes as possible, to stop exploitation situations, and to prevent new individuals from becoming victims of human trafficking. Victim Support Finland functions through low-threshold service that reaches hundreds of victims of human trafficking and related crimes annually, who do not know how or dare to seek official services. In addition to support during the criminal process, victims are offered confidential counseling and assistance with, for example, legal protection and residence permit matters, as well as help accessing other societal services and maintaining close contact throughout the client relationship.
2022 INTRO Inclusive Neighbourhood
In extensive collaboration, the model of the Residential Area-Based Environmental Work aims to improve the safety and service guidance for particularly vulnerable groups, such as young people and women who use substances, while also enhancing the overall sense of security in the area. Developed in cooperation with substance abuse and other experts, the police, and residents, the model was piloted in Sörnainen, Helsinki, in 2022.
2021 The Safety Skills Education (Second place in the ECPA competition)
In Oulu, children and young people receive safety skills education from preschool through the end of basic education. The goal is to prevent bullying, harassment, and violence against children and young people in both face-to-face and digital interactions. The jury was impressed by the project's emphasis on preventing sexual crimes through safety skills education. They recognized the project's merits in its approach to social skills, multidisciplinary collaboration, and focus on areas often neglected in research and practice.
2020 Intact Family family camps by Finnish Foundation for Supporting Ex-offenders
One of the purposes of these family camps is to support families in breaking away from organized crime, gang life, and substance abuse, providing tools to interrupt intergenerational crime and reduce recidivism.
2019 Action for Youth by Finnish Foundation for Supporting Ex-offenders
This project targets young people aged 15–29 who exhibit criminal and substance abuse behaviors. The goal is to engage these youth in activities and support networks already during their incarceration, thus preventing marginalization and recidivism. The Action for Youth provide a community where young people are met as equal members regardless of their backgrounds. Methods include music, sports, culture, intensive professional support, and peer support.
2018 Forssa model (Winner of the ECPA!)
The competition was won by the so-called Forssa Model, which resolves conflicts between population groups through community mediation. This model was implemented by the Häme Police Department and mediators from the Neighbourhood Mediation Centre. Community mediation was Forssa's response to violent clashes between local youths and residents of reception centers in the autumn of 2016. The mediation yielded results: the violence ceased, and the situation calmed down. Through mediation, a learning process began within the community, enabling an understanding of the other party's perspective and creating interaction. The connection of the model to crime prevention is clear, and it successfully reduced crime and the fear of crime. The project involved extensive collaboration.
2017 Finnish hotline Nettivihje
Nettivihje is a hotline where anyone can anonymously report online child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Nettivihje is hosted by organization Save the Children. All relevant information or illegal material is passed to Finnish NBI for evaluation and possible actions. The hotline hastens the removal of illegal or abusive material from the internet and helps law enforcement to take further actions in the matter.
2016 The Suvanto helpline for elderly people
The Suvanto helpline is a national phone service for elderly people facing violent or abusive conditions or mistreatment that threatens the person’s wellbeing, security or health. People who are close to the elderly can also ask for advice. The phone service provides specialised support and advice by a professional or a trained volunteer. The number is free of charge for callers in Finland and anyone can call anonymously. The phone service is maintained by Suvanto organization specialized in helping the elderly and those close to them in times of need and preventing abuse of the elderly.
2015 I take the responsibility web material is a website which provides self-help material with the aim of preventing sexual abuse of children. The website contains information on illegal sexual action involving children on the web and its possible consequences. The website challenges people to think about the effects of children's sexual abuse and provides tools to control one's own harmful ways of action. The material is intended for people who are worried about their own sexual interest, thoughts, feelings and action relating to children. The website is based on an English self-help website,, and adapted to the Finnish context. The website is maintained by Save the Children Finland.
2014 HAPKE 2 project
HAPKE 2 was a development project for for the vulnerable asylum seekers' service provision system in Finland. The project focused on prevention and identification of trafficking among asylum seekers; and on developing the ability of reception centres and the National assistance system to assist the victims. Particular focus was given to labour trafficking. Joutseno reception centre in eastern Finland was responsible for the project.
2013 Jussi-work
Jussi-work is a service maintained by The Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters. Jussi-work is aimed at men who want to prevent or stop the violent behaviour in close relationships and need support in resolving their own crisis. Jussi-work is to support men to find non-violent ways of problem solving, as well as helping men to live safely with themselves and their families. Jussi-work provides (1) Help in a crisis. In a situation of domestic violence, the man needs help to recover; (2) Therapeutic discussion. Opportunity for long term work in private or in a group; (3) Counselling and guidance. By assessing and finding fresh options for support and help.
The objective of the Jussi-work is to end and prevent the cycle of domestic violence by offering professional help to men. It reinforces the family-centered work which is done in the women shelters. It also develops different services aimed for men and participates in general discussion concerning the man’s position.
2012 The Ankkuri project (the Anchor Project)
The purpose of Ankkuri activities is early intervention in juvenile delinquency and intimate partner violence as well as the enhancement of preventive police work in the Province of Kanta- Häme. Ankkuri teams comprise a police officer, a social worker, a psychiatric nurse and a youth worker.
The primary objective of the Ankkuri Project is early intervention in the activities of young people who are experiencing problems with life management and to remedy the situation as soon as possible.
2011 Icehearts - A sport-based life skills programme for adolescent boys
Icehearts is a preventive social work model that has been developed in Finland in 1996. It is a third sector programme that is independent of local government. The core aim of the programme is to provide long-term professional support for boys who, at age six, have been recognised by social workers and kindergarten personnel as being at high risk of marginalisation. The programme is led by a mentor who commits himself to work with the boys for a period of 12 years. The mentors are paid adults who have a degree in social work or youth work.
The objective is to use sports as a means of establishing relationships with at-risk children and their families. The programme also aims at preventing circumstances that would lead to the child being taken into custody by the child welfare authorities. Other objectives are to decrease inequality, prevent truancy and drop-outs as well as to help ensure a peaceful and orderly school environment.
2010 Community Contact Work project
The Community Contact Work project started in January 2009 within the social services department of the city of Helsinki. The project aims at improving the residents’ sense of everyday safety in the city, as well as assuring a pleasant living environment in the neighborhoods. The community contact workers move on foot in their target neighborhoods (approximately 15 neighborhoods in Helsinki), in shopping centers and other public spaces, observing the environment, engaging in discussions with residents and intervening in possible disturbances by reconciling and talking. The community contact workers serve all residents of all age groups; "ordinary" citizens as well as the marginalized.
The main objective of the project is to create a sense of community in the target neighborhoods, thus improving the sense of safety of the residents and other actors in the area.
Previous Finnish projects
- 2009 KiVa Koulu anti-bullying program
- 2008 The safety oriented detailed city plan of the Muotiala Area, City of Tampere, Finland
- 2007 Never Hit a Child media campaign
- 2006 Katujen yö 2002 (Night of the Streets)
- 2005 City centre – a nest of immorality or a safe living room?
- 2004 "Vantaan turvallisuustalkoot" - The Vantaa City Crime Prevention Programme
More information about ECPA and member countries' projects