Good Practices

The presentations of good practices are aimed at those involved in crime prevention.

This section has collected crime prevention practices and projects from Finland whose ideas can be utilized in local crime prevention and project planning. There is a research display on the functionality of the methods presented here – although the studies are quite different and it should be noted that the study screen can also make reservations about using the method.

See also the database on Finnish evaluation research on crime prevention.

Finnish Good Practices

Anchor model

The Anchor (Ankkuri) model is geared towards early intervention in juvenile delinquency and intimate partner violence, as well as preventive work within these areas.

The Anchor model briefly


The Icehearts operating model aims to prevent the social exclusion of children and young people with the aid of sports.

The Icehearts model briefly


A Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference, or a MARAC in short, is a tool to assess the risk of recurrent intimate partner violence.

The MARAC method briefly


The Aggredi Programme uses client discussions to encourage perpetrators of severe acts of violence to start thinking about their lives and actions in a way that reduces the likelihood of resorting to violence.

The Aggredi Programme briefly

OMA Programme

The Cognitive Self-Change Programme (OMA) is a rehabilitation method intended for prisoners who have committed violent crimes, aiming to prevent recidivism.

The OMA Programme briefly