Council for Crime Prevention


The National Council for Crime Prevention is a crime prevention expert and cooperation agency, established in the Ministry of Justice, Finland. The goal is to decrease the harm caused by crime and to increase security.

According to the Decree revised in 2024, the Council monitors the development of crime prevention, promotes cooperation between authorities and communities, communicates about the possibilities of crime prevention, and promotes training, research and impact assessment in crime prevention.

The Council has been in its current form since 1999, but was originally established 10 years earlier.

Organisation and activities

The organisation of the Council

The National Council for Crime Prevention has a chairperson, a deputy chairperson and 16 members and their substitutes. The composition of the Council is appointed by the Government for a maximum of four years at a time.

Members of the Council and Secretariat

International Co-operation

The Council participates in many international contexts to promote crime prevention. Cooperation with the crime prevention councils of the other Nordic countries is an important part of our work. The Council also participates in crime prevention cooperation in the European Union and the United Nations.

About international activities

Tasks and Activities

The Council prepare for example regular assessments of crime problems, with recommendations for crime reduction measures. During the term 2024–2027, the Council's work will focus on tasks related to the Government Action Plan for the Prevention of juvenile and gang crime.

More about the tasks